Center for Communication

Virtual Office Hours: DEY.

Virtual Office Hours: DEY.

Registration form heading

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School/Employment Info

If you are a student, please provide the following info. Type “N/A” if not applicable.

Additional Information

This demographic information helps us communicate to our donors about our audience and match our audience to available opportunities with our corporate partners.


The event will be recorded. By agreeing to participate, you waive all rights to payments or royalties in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televisising, or other publication of materials recorded within, and you consent to being aired worldwide, in all media, in perpetuity. By agreeing to this waiver, you confirm that you are 18 or older or that you have your parent’s consent to participate.

If you participate in the Q&A and your question is selected, you'll be asked to turn on your video to ask your question live and our audience and speakers will see you.

We ask that event participants and speakers adhere to a code of conduct to help ensure a safe and positive experience for everyone. Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated during any part of a meeting or event, including:
-Harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments or visual images related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability or other personal characteristics, including those protected by law.
-Inappropriate disruption of meetings or events.
-Photographing, video or audio recording of slides, oral or poster presentations without presenter/author’s permission.
-Violating the rules and regulations of online platform, Zoom.

Accessibility: Center for Communication provides closed captioning and accommodations to students with disabilities. Requests for ASL accommodations for Center for Communication events should be submitted to

Registration is open!

Virtual Office Hours: DEY.

DEY. was founded to help move the needle on social issues that concern the public. With the combination of influence, strategy, and public relations, this innovative agency works with clients to impact policy, encourage debate, and promote positive social change. If you’re looking to launch a meaningful career with your communication skills, bring your questions to this conversation with savvy strategists whose mission is in the public interest.

Kavita Tomlinson, Senior Director

Annie Tressler, Account Supervisor

Jess Zagacki, Account Executive

Open to current students. We will send you a Zoom link the week of the webinar. Please e-mail if you have any questions.

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, April 23th on Zoom. 

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts.